The Book of CHATENAY Jean Maurice (About).

Vous trouverez sur cette page le Livre de CHATENAY Jean Maurice sur les Cypraeas Nigers/Rostrées (N/R, ou Nigerostrées) à découvrir ici (A PROPOS).

Certain photos will appear as poor quality representations, as they have been scanned from old paper photos.
They still have their place in these galleries, as testimonies of various organisms collected and disseminated around the world since their first harvests in the 1870s.

This work was designed and shaped by a native New Caledonian, fully funded from New Caledonian family funds, and published on November 15, 1977 by an entirely New Caledonian company.
Even the new blanket manufactured and installed in August 1999 was conducted this way.
Nothing was made outside of this territory (More colloquially called: "Caillou").
Once again I warmly thank my Parents, without whose financial assistance this book would never have been possible.
Thanks to them, there is now a reference publication allowing collectors around the world to know and value their Nigerostrée shells.
- Author : Jean Maurice CHATENAY.
- Shootings : Jean-François CRUELAS (A photographer Friend).
- English translations : Michel METZDORF (A Cousin).
- Project funding: Jean-Jules and Jeannine CHATENAY (My Parents).

Object :
Deterioration of form and colors at the near total of Species of New Caledonians Cowries, giving them a spectacular appearance and most beautiful effect.
It is a "Phenomenon" of aberration of endemic formation of structure for 90% in New Caledonia, and the 10% remainders, disseminated on some Sites all over the world, in particular in Australia (Medium East coast).
This "disease" interests the Beginner as well as the Amateur, even, the confirmed Collector.

Présentation :
The Book has a format of 220x150x10mms, a cover lying two mates faces (For the ancient one of year 1977), a cover lying
two brilliant/glossy faces (For the new one of year 1999), 120 pages, 50 colors boards, 115 colors pictures.

Content :
In addition to the Situation of New Caledonia in the Pacific Ocean, the Reader of this book will find a card summary of the zone of influence of the Phenomenon,
a summary with more precise description of the places where it is most intense, according to the number of species to discover (The most common).
Also, alphabetically, the description of each Shell (Of the Normal until the known form Niger and/or Rostrated maximum), of the Animal and the habitat which it usually attends.
Lastly, Made unusual in a Book of this kind, a scale of average values for each evolutionary stage of the Phenomenon, corresponding to the described Species.
To note however that these values, which are not quotations, are not any rigorous nor final, as well it is true as they can vary, of simple with the double,
following in particular the Size, Rostration, the intensity of Mélanism of the Shell which one evaluates.
Even, quite simply, the famous principle recognized by all the Collectors, namely: that of Supply and Demand (O.D.).
Since its publication in 1977, this Work, recognized now Universally, proves very invaluable for all the exchanges, purchases, or sales,
as regards Cypraeas Nigerostrated various, and, moreover, in both French and English Langages simultaneously…
Year 1977

Years 1977 and 1999

Year 1999