Hello everyone.
This Site is dedicated to marine shells (Normal Cypraeas, Nigerostrated (N/R) Cypraeas, and various Conidaes), as well as to other related subjects of New Caledonia.
Its opening with the Microsoft "Edge" browser remains however highly recommended, not to say preferential, because it seems that this tool is currently the only one to offer an automatic, systematic, and satisfactory refresh, during each new viewing, which allows to immediately access occasional, sometimes very frequent updates, daily.
For this simple fact, I advise visitors using any other browser (Mozilla Firefox, among others !) To check each time this Site is opened that it is indeed the latest version available.
This Site does not claim to address all subjects, nor to provide all the answers, much less to have any vocation, even aspiration, scientific.
The English translations may seem quite simplistic at times, having been entirely established (With the help of the automatic translation tools of Microsoft Excel and/or Google-Translate software) by their Authors and Designers, who are very far from being specialists in this Foreign Language, and who therefore asks you to be indulgent in this.
In addition, the content of this site is not yet fully exhaustive, and is intended to be regularly supplemented as and when new events are collected, appropriate and/or relating to its objectives (Photos, Documents, Ideas , Discussions, and/or Other opportunities, etc.).
It is strictly forbidden to copy, publish, resell, use outside the family circle or publicly, and/or others, all or parts, content, texts, photos, and/or pages of this Site, to add as a sub-main, any page of another site, advertisement, even third-party reference, whatsoever, without written permission from its Author, because it is protected by Copyright (Copyright 2008).< br />
Those guilty and/or responsible for any illegal activity in violation of these rules will quickly be liable to prosecution. It is strongly recommended to read the page: F.A.Q. in order to avoid any ambiguity.
The webmaster is always looking for Nigerostrated Cypraeas (N/R) and could be interested in the possible purchase of all those you would like to offer him via the form contact.
As I had promised to the regulars of my old Site, I am in the process of creating this new Site, much more "elaborate and finished", with the voluntary help of a Friend residing in Metropolitan France.
This new Site is out of date and already accessible via most of the Media currently in use (Gsm, Laptop, iPhone, iPad, Tablet, etc.) !.
This photo gallery is based on Piwigo.
Piwigo is photo gallery software for the web, built by an active community of users and developers. Extensions make Piwigo easily customisable. And, for icing on the cake, Piwigo is free and opensource.