Rostration Alone (Deformation) (Gallery).

You will find on this page an example of Phenomenon of "Rostration/Deformation" affecting certain Normal Cypraeas to discover here (GALLERY).

The structure of the Cypraeas, already very beautiful in the normal state, is really magnificent at the Niger stage (Mélanistique, Noir, Black).
In the New Caledonian zone, there were some 54 species affected by Nigerization (Melanization, Blackening),
with or without thickening of the base of the shell. while others blacken without modification of their shell or their Base.
In the cases of "Nigerization", or even "Melanization", only the tops and sides of the Shells are affected, however with some "nuances":
- The texture of Melanism can take on a "Light" black (Mestizo, light to dark !), Or even "intense" (Like charcoal!).
- The texture of Melanism can take on a "Grainy" black (Hammered, like faceted !).
- The texture of Melanism can take on a "Smooth" black (Matt, or shiny (Varnished/Glazed) !).
- The texture of Melanism can take on a "Punctual" black (A small, even large, well marked dots !).
Some extremely rare shells display such an intense black that it has in places
bluish reflections to the eye under artificial lights (LED Lamps, in particular !).