You will find on this page some general rules that Visitors to this site must accept and respect to be discovered here (ALL).
This site is not a commercial site but a personal site, its content remains the full property of its Author/Webmaster,
possible contact using the formprovided for this purpose.
Therefore, and in order not to divert this content, it is advisable to know and respect certain constraints/obligations, namely :
Nothing can be copied/plagiarized without obtaining written permission from its Owner/Webmaster.
With this in mind, it is strongly recommended / advised to read the page F.A.Q. for all possible requests.
Also, be aware that the Author/Owner/Webmaster is in no way interested in any typo exchange whatsoever.
Like any good informed Collector, he prefers to give up the many duplicates in order to be able to acquire the typos that might be missing from his collection.
The Author's Personal book : "Porcelaines Niger et Rostrées de Nouvelle-Calédonie", in its 1977 (€ 32.00 per unit), and 1999 (€ 25.00 per unit) versions ,
is still available for sale, on the express condition that any order is placed directly with its Author.
Depending on the available/remaining stock, it can be sold individually (Individuals/Collectors), or in packs of 25 (Resellers/Merchants).
Any Payments can be made under the following conditions: modes de paiements
It is strictly forbidden to copy, publish, resell, use outside the family circle or publicly, and / or others,
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Those guilty and / or responsible for any illegal activity and / or violation of these rules will quickly be exposed to prosecution.
It is strongly recommended to read the page: " FAQ "to avoid any ambiguity.