You will find on this page a waterproof wired submersible 12 Leds Headlight (Long duration 175 watts) used for night diving to discover here (BATTERIES).
With the experience of prolonged use of this type of Headlight, my comments on this topic will be as follows : - A : The anodization of the body remains fragile at the slightest friction on a surface such as coral, all the more so on a harder one. - B : For maximum convenience, the battery pack must absolutely be fixed in the back using a special adapter sold by the same store,
or using an adapter like mine, make your own from a scuba diving harness/mini-bottle holder. - C : The weight is no longer a problem, once in immersion. - D : The cable remains very practical, very flexible, and of sufficient length and convenient. - E : The announced power seems to comply, but the LEDs remain fragile, and do not last long, in any case far from the thousands of hours promised.
Personally, the first lighthouse received had burned out after 01h15, and had been replaced by the seller after a few weeks.
With the second lighthouse received, after only 15 hours of use, 01 Led failed, and 01 other apparently takes the same path.'s after-sales service, contacted by email, has still not deigned to respond for several years, despite the acknowledgment of receipt of this email.
But it is true that I live 22,000 km away, and therefore cannot intervene directly.
However, I do not despair of receiving good news. - F : The start / stop mode remains very practical, you just have to make sure to give 01 or 02 more laps for the extinction, in case of shaken or agitated transport (Boat or car ),
in order to avoid any untimely ignition which could prove very damaging if the material is confined in a closed bag or compartment.
As this material heats up enormously (See paragraph "- K :" below), a significant risk of fire would then be possible. - G : The autonomy of this Headlight, once the charge of the batteries is completed to the maximum, in several times, after each cooling of the body, can be summed up in three distinct phases.
The first, with an effective useful life of 2h15, probably giving the 60 watts promised.
Then, very quickly in 02 or 03 minutes, the voltage drop occurs, to give the second phase, of an additional useful duration of 02h30, probably accusing 30/40 watts.
Finally, the third phase, tested in a basin of 60 liters of water, shows a small 05/10 watts for 20 hours.
I have never been to the end of the complete discharge. - H : Charging without removing the cable is undoubtedly also practical.
But, for my part, I find the fit too fine, because I had to disassemble the battery pack to screw in the internal stainless steel fixing nuts of the batteries that had loosened,
and glue them to avoid any possible loosening, thus losing the benefit of the Manufacturer's warranty.
In addition, the small adapter block for recharging is also too tight, and a bit of a gadget, insofar as its components are not properly connected together,
and separate after a few screwing/unscrewing.
Here too, I had to fix the various elements with "Superglue/Loctite" glue.
Likewise, the part making contact with the inside of the block, for recharging, is too short, and had to be lengthened a little
so that the contact is made correctly continuously, without the charge indicator flashing. - I : The charger, a little gadget too, does not seem very robust to me, and its reliability remains to be demonstrated.
In any case, the charge indicator remains very sensitive, not to say whimsical.
The full charge takes about 07 to 08 hours.
I would recommend doing it in 02 or 03 times, letting the battery pack cool down between each charge.
Whatever the duration of use, you should know that then, the recharging time remaining according to this duration of use, the indicator (Yellow !)
starts flashing 15 minutes before full charge, then turns off at the end of charging.
Immediately disconnect the charger from the battery pack.
Note also that, if this indicator flashes continuously during charging, it means that the contact between the different elements is bad,
and that the load does not pass, then check the various connections. - J : Regarding 12 volt Ni-Mh batteries, I don't have a point of comparison yet. - K :CAUTION : do not use this headlight in the open air, because the handle heats up terribly and becomes hot after a few minutes,
to the point of no longer being able to be held, even with wet gloves, which could become damaging to all the equipment. - L : The After Sales Service leaves a lot to be desired, depending on the country where the material is sent, I think.
For example, if an exchange of all or part of this material is required, you should know that all the costs of return to the seller remain the responsibility of the customer, even if it is an original defect.
In any case, this was valid for me, because residing overseas (New Caledonia).
The Manufacturer (Italian !) Himself, contacted via email, sent me directly back to the distributor / reseller in France, without further legal action,
which, of course, never followed up on my many requests either !.
I must say all the same that since the release of this material, others are currently available, more compact, practical, and efficient!.
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